heading text: Unlock your business's future, discover the power of employee ownership today! October 24, 2024, 9-10a.m.

Employee Ownership Webinar

Please join us for our free webinar on October 24, 2024 from 9:00a.m. – 10:00a.m. to learn about the benefits to converting to a cooperative as a business succession plan!

This webinar is free, but registration is required. Please contact Abby Grott (agrott@wisc.edu) with any questions or concerns.

Registration will open soon.

Benefits of Converting to a Employee Ownership:

  • Legacy Preservation: Selling your business to those who know it best is a great way to keep it thriving into the future. Employee-owned businesses have been shown to increase productivity and value, provide stability and resilience in economic downturns, and contribute to their communities in meaningful ways. 
  • Employees are Rewarded: Employee owned businesses provide employees with opportunities to engage in decision making, step into leadership roles, and share in financial successes of the business, often resulting in higher retention rates.
  • Regional Impact: Employee-owned businesses keep businesses, jobs, services, and wealth in local economies.
  • Owner Benefits: A fair market price is paid to the owner, tax benefits are available, and a transition that meets succession goals is planned for.

Hosted by:

Logo for the Center for Cooperatives, Division of Extensions, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Co-sponsored by:

minnesota center for employee ownership logo

Cooperative Development Services logo

wisconsin center for employee ownership logo

Northcountry Cooperative Foundation logo